Back-UPS BE850M2 by APC

Reliable Back-UPS with more power, extra outlets and USB charging ports

When the power goes out, an APC battery backup with surge protection provides guaranteed power for computers, external hard-drives and other electronics, including your wireless router so you can maintain a network connection for your IoT devices when you need it most! Ideal for full-sized computers and monitors, the Back-UPS BE850M2 offers 450W of power, 9 total outlets, plus two USB Charging ports (2.4A shared).

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APC Desktop UPS for the Home or Office

The Features and Benefits of an APC Back-UPS

This compact but powerful Back-UPS has many features and benefits that might escape your first glance. Learn more about APC's 850VA Back-UPS.

Stay Connected

A UPS for the Internet of Things (IoT)

Every connected SmartHome needs a UPS to help keep your wifi on and available, so that your SmartHome stays,!

Where to use a Back-UPS 850VA UPS

At your Desk

Give yourself the time to save documents and gracefully shut down your computer without the harsh impact on your electronics of sudden power loss.

Wireless Router & IOT Devices

Stay connected via the internet when your power goes out. That wifi signal can still be available if your router is connected to a UPS.

Gaming System

Consoles, Gaming PC's, connected hard-drives and your Twitch stream all stay on when the lights go out.

Television and Cablebox/DVR

Don't lose your DVR recordings when the power flickers. A connected cable/satellite box will continue recording, even when the house is dark.

Q​: Can you adjust the alarm settings?

A​: Yes, in the PowerChute software, UPS's that are connected to computers can have their sensitivity settings adjusted, as well as specify what hours you want to disable the alarm, if desired. Also, see instructions to set alarm mode via power button.

Q​: Will the USB Ports on top of this UPS continue to charge devices when the power goes out?

A​: Yes, as long as there is battery power in the UPS, the USB Ports will actively power your Smartphone and other USB-charged devices.

Q​: How do you turn off the alarm?

A​: You can temporarily mute some alarms (On Battery, Battery Disconnected and Overload) with a 1-2 second press of Power button, which mutes alarm until the condition is reset. Critical events (i.e. Battery replacement) require unit to be turned off.

Q​: How long will this UPS power my system when the power goes out?

A​: Runtimes of any UPS will vary based on the amount of power required by your connected devices. In the PowerChute Software, you can see 'Estimated Battery Time' based on the power-draw of your connected devices.

Q​: Can I plug my laser printer into a UPS?

A​: Due to the large amount of power used by laser printers, APC does not recommend connecting them to a UPS below 1500VA. If laser printers are connected, it may cause the UPS to transfer to battery repeatedly, exhausting the battery unnecessarily.