Pulsarâ„¢ + 300 Comb Binding Machine w/Starter Kit

Aenean mollis id sem quis porttitor. Aliquam dignissim magna vel enim dignissim vehicula. Maecenas efficitur urna vitae egestas congue. Nam semper molestie velit, ut congue nulla dignissim quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse efficitur ante.

Efficient Design for Fast, Continuous Binding

The Fellowes Pulsar+ features a compact, streamlined design that is well-suited for both small and large offices. Efficient and easy to use, the machine allows users to punch and bind continuously, increasing productivity. It can manually punch up to 20 sheets at a time and binds up to 300 sheets with a neat, 1.5-inch comb.

Effortless Document Centering and Alignment

Equipped with an adjustable edge guide, the Fellowes Pulsar+ ensures that you can precisely center your documents during binding. The machine also features vertical document loading, which helps promote accurate punch alignment. The result is a tidy, centered binding without any misaligned holes or loose pages.

Convenient Measuring Guide and Storage

A built-in, mistake-proof measuring tool helps you select the right comb size for your document. A binding starter kit also comes with the machine, and contains supplies for ten documents. And with the machine's built-in storage tray, you can easily organize and access your extra combs.

At A Glance:

  • Medium-duty binding machine ideal for general office use
  • Punches up to 20 sheets at a time
  • Can bind up to 300 sheets of paper with 1.5-inch comb
  • Streamlined, easy-to-use design boosts productivity
  • Vertical document loading and edge guide ensure precise alignment

Consider All The Uses

Business/Office Uses:

- Presentations

- Reference documents

- Training tools

- Marketing and sales material

- Client proposals

- Annual reports

- Financial reports

- Menus

- Brochures

- Direct mail pieces

School Uses:

- Text books

- Study guides

- Worksheets

- Reports

- Art projects

- Presentations

- Final exams

- Calendars

Recreational Uses:

- Maps

- Sports rosters and schedules

- Travel literature

- Training booklets

- Practice tips

- Recipe cards

- Photographs

- Certificates

- Scrapbooking

Product Video
