Are you still settling for the default sound that comes with your PC setup? Despite having your volume level at the highest, do you find yourself straining to hear the spoken dialogs of the show’s characters or your co-workers during an online call because it’s too muffled? Joining the Creative T100 in the T-series speaker line-up, the Creative T60 is here to put a stop to that.
The Creative T60 features Clear Dialog and Surround, our audio technologies that are powered by Sound Blaster’s audio expertise, to deliver clearer spoken dialogs and enhanced surround sound for greater immersion. Backed by powerful acoustics performance with a built-in digital amplifier and our BasXPort technology that further enhances bass performance, your desktop movie experience will be changed forever.
Above all, the Creative T60 also comes with a plethora of connectivity options including USB-C audio to your gaming consoles, built-in headset and microphone jacks for when you need to attend an online work call, and a convenient speaker and headphones switch button that is easily within reach.
There’s really no better time than now to upgrade your default PC audio.
Hear what the movie’s characters are saying clearly and stay immersed in your gaming sessions!
Powered by Sound Blaster with over three decades of audio processing legacy and technical expertise, the Creative T60 features Sound Blaster’s audio technologies, Clear Dialog and Surround, to provide you with improved vocal intelligibility and wide surround experience.
Elevate your desktop movie experience and focus on the show without having to read subtitles; dive into the thick of action and stay engaged in your gaming session.
Our SmartComms Kit was developed to fix one common issue for Windows 10 users—to simplify the way we communicate online—via a suite of smart communication features. Why fuss over mute controls or get distracted by unwanted background noises when you should be focusing on what matters instead? Plus, it can be used on any headphones with microphone, headsets, and external microphones.
Switch between audio playback from the Creative T60 to your headset instantly with just a button press and skip the hassle of having to plug and unplug your headset all the time.