Stainlifters Laundry Detergent

Powdered laundry detergent features a hypoallergenic formula that does not contain any fragrances, dyes or residue to provide comfortable, worry-free clothes for sensitive skin. Special stain-lifters lift away tough stains from fabrics to keep clothes look whiter and brighter. Concentrated strength provides more cleaning power in smaller doses for cost-efficient cleanings. Laundry detergent is designed for industries in lodging, healthcare, education, foodservice and more.

Manufacturer Part Number
Full Product Specifications


  • The full product specifications below are from the manufacturer and may contain information related to other package quantities that will not apply to the product that you are reviewing. Please confirm the actual content and/or package quantity from the main product specifications page.
  • These specifications may represent the entire product series/model/line to which this product belongs with specific configuration differences between the individual products stated.
  • These specifications may have been copied from the same product in other region/country in which case there might be minor differences in region-specific data such as Input Voltage, Terms of Warranty etc.

Color/Form White powder
Flash Point > 200°F (> 93.4°C)
pH 11.0 (1% aqueous solution)
Scent Characteristic
Shelf Life 2 years
Specific Gravity 0.33 - 1.02