Super Light Completely Foldable Shoulder Bag Compatto Sling

Super-light and extremely strong, Compatto XL Sing is a practical shoulder bag with a fresh and modern look.
It is always ready to be transformed from a small pouch into a shoulder bag with a simple action, and resolves all your space and carrying problems.
The water-resistant treated nylon means that Compatto XL Sling is the best choice to carry and protect all your purchases (both planned and unplanned) in both good and bad weather.
Folded in upon itself, within the zigzag-stitched pocket, it transforms in just a few seconds into a light pouch that can be kept always at hand in your backpack or bag. The special graphics in the front make it instantly recognisable when folded.

Manufacturer Part Number
Full Product Specifications


  • The full product specifications below are from the manufacturer and may contain information related to other package quantities that will not apply to the product that you are reviewing. Please confirm the actual content and/or package quantity from the main product specifications page.
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External Size (cm) 30 x 44 x 18

Internal Size (cm) 29,5 x 43,5 x 17,5