32GB DDR4 SDRAM Memory Module

Axiom offers the most extensive line of memory solutions today. With our decades of experience specializing in memory, Axiom is a proven manufacturer to the semiconductor industry. Our great products combined with our world class service and support have helped us to where we are today. When you have an Axiom memory chip, you can count on it being the best available memory for your system.

Manufacturer Part Number
Full Product Specifications


  • The full product specifications below are from the manufacturer and may contain information related to other package quantities that will not apply to the product that you are reviewing. Please confirm the actual content and/or package quantity from the main product specifications page.
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Density: 32GB
Module Type: ECC RDIMM DDR4
RoHS: Yes
Depth: 4Gb
Width: x72
Voltage: 1.2V
Pin Count: 288-pin
Data Rate: 2133MT/s
Speed: PC4-17000
Comp Config: 2048Mx4
CL: 15