Innodisk SATADOM-SV 3ME is designed as the standard SATA 7 pin connector with SATA interface, and supports SATA III standard (6.0Gb/s) with excellent performance., InnoDisk SATADOM-SV 3ME absolutely replaces the traditional hard disk and makes personal computer, in any field, smaller and easier.

Innodisk SATADOM-SV 3ME effectively reduces the booting time of operation system and the power consumption is less than hard disk drive (HDD), and complies with ATA protocol, no additional drives are required, and can be configured as a boot device or data storage device.

Manufacturer Part Number
Full Product Specifications


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Model Name: SATADOM-SV 3ME
Interface: SATA III 6.0 Gb/s
Type: Vertical
Flash Type: MLC
Capacity: 32GB
Max. Channels: 1
Sequential R/W (MB/sec, max.): 100/30
Max. Power Consumption: 0.6 W (5V x 125 mA )
Thermal Sensor: Wide Temp. only
H/W Write Protect: N
Pin7 Power: Y
ATA Security: Y
S.M.A.R.T.: Y
Dimension (WxLxH/mm): 20.9 x 39.5 x 7.9
Vibration: 20G@7~2000Hz
Shock: 1500G@0.5ms
MTBF: >3 million hours
Storage Temperature: -55°C ~ +95°C
Operation Temperature: Standard Grade: 0°C ~ +70°C; Industrial Grade: -40°C ~ +85°C